Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited

Conserving, protecting, and restoring Spring Creek’s coldwater fishery and watershed

SCCTU accomplishes our mission through advocacy, conservation projects, and community outreach programs.

Register for the Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited Annual Awards Dinner and Fundraiser

The Annual Awards Dinner and Fundraiser is the chapter's primary fundraising activity and we will be holding it on March 22nd at the Mountain View Country Club.

We are conducting an online Sweepstakes for an Orvis Helio F 9', 5wt. outfit, donated by Flyfisher's Paradise as part of the fund raiser and will be selling chances through 8:00 PM on March 18th. The winner of the Sweepstakes will not be announced until 5:00 PM on March 26th due to PA gaming regulations.

We plan to have online silent auctions for several other items such as guided fishing and hunting trips, fishing on Spruce Creek and much more which will conclude after the dinner and prizes can be picked up then.

In addition, there will be a live auction, 50/50 and bucket raffles at the event.

SCCTU 2025 Silent Auction

As part of our Annual Awards Dinner and Fundraiser, we are conducting an online auction to raise funds for the Chapter as part of our annual Awards and Fundraising Dinner.  All funds received will go toward Chapter conservation and outreach efforts.

The auction will close at 8:00 PM on March 22nd.  Winners at the awards dinner you will be able to take their items home.  If you aren't at the dinner we will make arrangements for you to collect your prize.

SCCTU 2025 Sweepstakes for Montana Fishing Trip

Two day guided fishing for two Ennis, MT

As guests of the Madison-Gallatin Chapter of Trout Unlimited, two anglers will enjoy 2 days of professionally guided fishing on area trout waters, 2 nights motel accommodations, and a gift card for dining. There are LOTS of great possibilities!

The trip includes: 

  • 2 Nights Lodging at Rainbow Valley Lodge in Ennis, MT

  • 1 day of guided fishing with Rainbow Valley Lodge in Ennis, MT

  • 1 day of guided fishing with Drift Wizard Outfitters (Lucas Montgomery) 

  • $150 Gift Card to Tavern 287 in Ennis, MT

Luke Montgomery, an expert guide, will ensure an amazing fishing experience, sharing his passion for fly fishing in Montana's beautiful landscapes.

The trip must be taken in 2025. The Sweepstakes winner will be announced at 5:00 PM on March 26th, in accordance with PA gaming regulations. Approximate Retail Value: $2,500.

SCCTU 2025 Premium Sweepstakes for Bamboo Rod with Battenkill Reel and Line

Win a Bamboo Rod with Battenkill Reel and line with a retail value of $1,300

As part of our Annual Awards Dinner and Fundraiser, we are conducting an online sweepstakes for an 8', 5wt handmade bamboo rod with two tips. This rod is made by chapter member Bob Cross who is a long time bamboo rod maker.

Includes: Rod, two tips, Orvis Battenkill Reel, fly line, backing, aluminum tube with sock.

As part of the fund raiser we will be selling chances through 8:00 PM on March 18th. The winner of the Sweepstakes will not be announced until 5:00 PM on March 26th due to PA gaming regulations.

SCCTU 2025 Premium Sweepstakes for Orvis Helios Rod Outfit

As part of our Annual Awards Dinner and Fundraiser, we are conducting an online Sweepstakes for an Orvis Helio F 9', 5wt. outfit, donated by Flyfisher's Paradise. As part of the fund raiser, we will be selling chances through 8:00 PM on March 18th. The winner of the Sweepstakes will not be announced until 5:00 PM on March 26th due to PA gaming regulations.

Flyfisher's Paradise has donated a Orvis Helios F, 9', 5 wt. fly rod. The ultimate tool for casting dry flies on light tippets to sipping trout, when success requires accuracy and delicate presentations. Winner may choose F or D model rod.

Flyfisher’s and SCCTU have combined to donate a matching Orvis Hydros II Large Arbor Reel, Hydros Weight Forward 5wt line and backing. Comes with cases for rod and reel. Retail value $1,350. Flyfisher's Paradise has offered to rig the reel for the winner. Just stop by their shop.

Thank You to our Golden Trout Sponsors

Thank you to the Golden Trout Sponsors of Spring Creek Chapter TU's 2025 Annual Fundraiser and Awards Dinner. We appreciate your support of the chapter and its mission to conserve, protect, and restore Spring Creek’s coldwater fishery and watershed. Sponsors like you make a difference!

Fly Fishing Film Tour 2025

We are proudly hosting the highly anticipated 19th Annual Fly Fishing Film Tour at the State Theatre in State College, PA on Thursday, April 10th!

The 2025 Fly Fishing Film Tour features an exciting lineup of films that capture the spirit of adventure and perseverance in the world of fly fishing. More information regarding the event, the film lineup, and tickets to come in 2025 🍿🥤

Our Largest Chopped Fly Tying Contest So Far

Our Feb. 6th Chopped Fly Tying Contest at the Happy Valley Brewing Company was one for the books! 17 contestants battled it out for the top spot in three different rounds of competition to make it our biggest Chopped event yet. Thank you to all the contests, our celebrity judges, and everyone who came to support this fun event!

2024 Spring Creek Redd Count Results

The results are in! This year we counted 2,087 redds in Spring Creek, a new record! The previous year's count, 2023, was 1725 redds, and the previous record was set in 2004 with 2077 redds counted.

Thank you to the 40+ volunteers, the @pafishandboat, and @usfws for participating in our annual Redd Count! It was a chilly day, but you showed up and helped us count:

  • 44 sections on Spring Creek

  • 8 sections on Slab Cabin Run

Check out our Citizen Science page for more details on the redd counts.

SCCTU Celebrates a Triple Triumph with 3 Prestigious PATU Awards!

Ken Sink Award for Outstanding Service to PATUs Conservation Mission:

This esteemed award honors an individual who has made significant contributions to PATU’s mission. It recognizes someone with a long-standing commitment to coldwater conservation, protection, and restoration, as well as exemplary volunteerism and leadership.

Recipient: Bob Vierck

Diversity Award:

This prestigious award honors a chapter that exemplifies diversity among its members. It is vital for chapters to actively engage youth, women, and men, ensuring a vibrant and inclusive environment. Such diversity not only strengthens the chapter’s sustainability but also allows seasoned members to share their knowledge with newcomers.

Recipient: Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited

Outstanding Coldwater Conservationist - Professional:

This esteemed award recognizes an individual from a governmental agency, private enterprise, or non-profit organization who has made exceptional contributions to advancing TU's mission of conserving, protecting, restoring, and sustaining Pennsylvania’s coldwater fisheries and watersheds.

Recipient: Adam Smith

Slab Cabin Run at Millbrook Marsh Habitat Improvement and Streambank Stabilization Project

Work continues at our stream and habitat restoration project on Slab Cabin Run at Millbrook Marsh Nature Center. Project benefits include improved fish habitat, pollution reduction, stream access synergies for a future boardwalk replacement project, and improved Wildlife and FEN protection. The project has been progressing nicely, and we'll share more updates in the coming weeks.

The team has installed a toe wood-sod mat, sometimes called a brush mattress, to repair and protect part of the stream bank from erosion. The toe wood-sod mat is designed to look natural and is comprised of logs, branches, and other woody local vegetation. It also provides in stream cover for fish. Over time, the wood will deteriorate leaving a vegetated, stabilized bank.

Construction started on 07-26-2024. Initial construction was the access road and temporary bridge crossing starting at College Township and extending down to the confluence of Slab Cabin and Thompson Run.