Women Anglers
Our mission is to promote the sport of fly-fishing among women.
Our goals are:
To provide skill building workshops, presentations and demonstrations.
To organize single day or overnight fishing trips.
To provide opportunities to assist with conservation efforts.
To provide a means for women fly-fishers to meet, network, fish, and socialize.
Jean Brenchley and the Women Anglers
The SCCTU Women Anglers would like to honor a very special woman angler who has set up an endowment called the "Jean Brenchley Women Angler Support Fund" to support current and future women anglers to come. This fund has been set up specifically to promote the sport of fly fishing for women and help the Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited develop a strong female presence. This fund will provide yearly monies that the SCCTU Women Anglers will use to teach fly fishing skills to the women who join us.
Women Angler Events
Mark Your Calendar for Future Women Angler Events
Join the Women Anglers for a fly-fishing outing. There is no cost to attend and beginners are welcome! Email us at scctuwomenanglers@gmail.com to be added to the email list and to find out about upcoming events.