Veterans Service Program
The Veterans Service Program is an outreach program to all of our veterans and their families.
Veterans Service Program
The Veterans Service Program is an outreach program to all of our veterans and their families. The ostensible purpose of the program is to provide a fishing experience to veterans who live in the region - but the program provides a great deal more - a chance for the veterans of socialize, work together with each other and with the volunteers, and to provide assistance to those who need assistance.
Intro and Intermediate Fly Tying Instruction
Saturdays, February 3, 10, 17, 24 - 1:00-3:15pm
Saturdays, March 9, 16, 23, 30 - 1:00-3:15pm
The Spring Creek Chapter Trout Unlimited is pleased to announce the 2024 Intro and Intermediate Fly Tying Instruction and Fly Fishing 101 programs. Join the Fly Fishing 101 program to learn about and enjoy the sport of fly fishing or improve your existing skills. Join the Introduction and Intermediate Fly Tying Instruction to get hands on fly tying instruction. These education programs are open to all who are interested and are hosted by the Veterans Service Program (VSP) of the Spring Creek Chapter Trout Unlimited.
All three sessions will be held in-person at South Hills School of Business and Technology (480 Waupelani Dr., State College).
Registration is required: Register to attend. To contact the organizer, please email Larry Ragan.
FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION: Intro and Intermediate Fly Tying Instruction and Fly Fishing 101 Flyer.
Volunteers Needed
In order for us to meet the needs of the veterans we serve through VSP we will need volunteers to support all aspects of the operation. Of course a critical role will be sufficient numbers of Streamside Coaches (formerly known as Streamside Mentors). The Streamside Coaches will work directly with our guest Veterans to assist them in learning how to become independent fly fishermen/women. Of course we welcome volunteers in other roles as well.
Please consider serving our Veteran guests as well as further developing your own fly-fishing skills by volunteering as a Streamside Coach or in another role. For additional information please contact Ray Faczan at rfaczan@aol.com.
The program is an all volunteer effort:
Over 500 Volunteers and Service Personnel
Funding from the SCCTU General Fund and VSP Fundraising
"Bid for a Cause" generated over $4200 for the program at the Annual Dinner and FunRaiser
All equipment for fishing and fly-tying are provided, as well as fishing licenses
Individual fishing and fly tying lessons and well as group classes.
Conservation classes and workgroups have been formed and the VSP group has taken on stewardship activities for the chapter.
Assistance in employment opportunities and other communitiy activities are common.
Over 1500 volunteer hours expended each year.